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The Smartcrypt Key Management component relies heavily on Observables. These may be unfamiliar, but are easy to get a hang of or convert to a more familiar paradigm. If unfamiliar with reactive programming, we recommend taking a look at the ReactiveX website for tutorials, guides, and more.

import io.reactivex.Observable;

// Observables emit a stream of events. This is a push model rather than a pull model.
Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.range(0, 5);

// Observables can be transformed
Observable<String> intsAsStrings =;

// Use common stream/observable operators
Observable<String> filteredInts = intsAsStrings.filter(number -> !"3".equals(number));

// Observables only process when subscribed to. All of the previous "work" is only setup - none of it has
// run yet. When we subscribe now, the work will happen.
Disposable subscription = filteredInts.subscribe(System.out::println);

// Subscriptions must be disposed when we're done with them, otherwise the stream will continue processing
// when we no longer need it

 * Observables can also be made blocking, effectively making them a single, synchronous call
Integer lastNumberBlocking = Observable.range(0, 4).blockingLast();
System.out.println("With a blocking call: " + lastNumberBlocking);
import io.reactivex.Observable

// Observables emit a stream of events. This is a push model rather than a pull model.
val observable = Observable.range(0, 5)

// Observables can be transformed
val intsAsStrings =

// Use common stream/observable operators
val filteredInts = intsAsStrings.filter {"3" != it }

// Observables only process when subscribed to. All of the previous "work" is only setup - none of it has
// run yet. When we subscribe now, the work will happen.
val subscription = filteredInts.subscribe(::println)

// Subscriptions must be disposed when we're done with them, otherwise the stream will continue processing
// when we no longer need it

* Observables can also be made blocking, effectively making them a single, synchronous call
val lastNumberBlocking = Observable.range(0, 4).blockingLast()
println("With a blocking call: $lastNumberBlocking")